Bringing in the New Year right

Well, here I am, two posts behind time slips away from you...I made a conscious decision this year that instead of bringing in the New Year with a massive hangover and no energy that day, I would bring it in a more healthy manner. Now, last year, I wasn't TOO hung over, since I just went to my sister's and had some wine. I also went out and ran on NY day last year, albeit not until 1:30 in the afternoon. I wanted to do that again this year.
On NYE, I hit up Forest Park after work and did a short run, since I planned on being out the next morning. I've realized that making my body do two runs in twelve hours is not always the best choice. It was very empty at Forest Park, and I only saw maybe 3 other runners. I assumed most people were gearing up for a night of drinking.
That evening, I went to my friend Lisa's around 8. I hung out with her (she's pregnant) and her friend Aubrey and Aubrey's super adorable daughter, Ava. Ava was quite fond of me, as I was of her, and I had a good time. I had a couple glasses of wine and a little champagne. I did get in some last minute junk eating, as Lisa made some delicious homemade crab rangoons and also some homemade cherry chocolate chip ice cream. :0
Anyway, I digress. On New Year's Day, I made plans to head out to Castlewood Park for more hillwork. My friends Joe and Sarah came along. We did a short one, just doing the Grotpeter Trail. I could tell an improvement since last week's trip there on the hills, which I was quite happy about. Sarah's stomach started hurting and so the last hill wasn't fully climbed as we slowed to walk with her a bit. We continued the run after that, though. The weather yesterday was another of those nice "calm before the storm" days, with it being around 40 degrees and sunny while we were out, making the park busier than I had seen it thus far. We got to hear a couple hawks yelling to each other, I think. They definitely weren't doing a good job of being incognito if they were looking for prey.
I definitely think trying to get out there once a week or maybe every other week would be very beneficial to my hill capabilities.

NYE Distance: 3.3 mi  Average Pace: 9:48/mi

NY Day Distance: 3.39 mi  Average Pace: 12:54/mi


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