Friendly deer

Wednesday morning was another snowy run, though nothing like my last one. We got around another two inches of snow last week, and it was cold enough that it stuck around for a few days. I headed out to JB to do a shorter run, as I got out of the house later than planned and also had a contractor there that I needed to chat with first. I did the big loop and the small loop, which seems to be my comfort zone there for now. I am pleased with that run, because it involves the long gradual hill along the one side and I'm able to do that hill with no walking. I know I keep driving this point home, but progress on hills no matter where I am is significant to me after having two months off in November. The snow on the trails had seen enough traffic that it was pretty packed down in most places, with a few obvious icy areas but nothing that couldn't be avoided. It was another morning where there were very few people there, which I like. Once the weather turns nice, JB becomes pretty busy and that's when I revert to running the perimeter and the riverfront trail instead. This was also a morning where I saw a deer here and there and it still surprises me how tame the deer at JB are. I suppose this is due to the fact that they are so accustomed to seeing people. I think I passed two separate deer and each one just casually glanced up at me as I passed and then went back to their business. I don't think they would actually let me walk right up to them or anything, but still.

Distance: 3.46 miles

Average Pace:  10:22 min/mi


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