RANT! You knew it was coming...

My early morning run wasn't as early as I would have liked this morning. Maybe if it had been, I wouldn't have a reason to rant. Then again...
I took my most frequent neighborhood route today, as it's a nice distance, around 4.5 miles, depending on what streets I turn down. It typically involves going to the top of my street and going up Military, crossing over to Broadway, following that until it intersects Telegraph, then taking Telegraph down to Lemay Ferry and back to my street. Unfortunately, this involves crossing several streets, though none of them are major streets, just smaller side streets.
Going later in the day, however, means there is more traffic out, and therefore, more oblivious idiots to contend with. Now, there are idiots everywhere, all the time, this is just a fact. I am talking about a very particular type of idiot in this post. This idiot is the St. Louis driver that does not pay attention to its surroundings as it drives, and very frequently is also talking on a cell phone as it drives. I encounter these all the time when I am running.
In Missouri, drivers are required to yield to pedestrians. However, most do not do this, instead quite blatantly NOT yielding, even when pedestrians clearly have the right of way.
This was what I encountered this morning. Most of my run went smoothly. This particular route has two large hills, one after the other, and this is the route that I ran with my friend Joe recently, the day I ran twice in one day. That day, I never walked once. Today, I had to walk a tad going up the second hill. But that's okay, I wasn't too upset.
I was nearing the last mile of my run, and I was crossing a small street. I see something out of the corner of my eye to the left, and here's this woman in a small pickup truck turning into the street with me right there, and not slowing or anything. I seriously think she was about 6 inches from before she slammed on her brakes. She was old, but it's not an excuse. So when I turn and see her, I throw my hands up and angrily scream, "REALLY?!?!?". She looks completely nonchalant behind the wheel, which makes me feel angrier. I have discovered, however, that when these things happen, being angry boosts my adrenaline and actually helps the run in a way. So there's that.
The rest of the run went fine, no incidents, and I got home okay.
I still seriously consider running with a fistful of rocks, though, so when someone's impatient ass almost hits me I can chuck the rocks at them.

Distance: 4.44 miles

Average Pace:  10:05 min/mi


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