Consistently inconsistent

Here it is the 9th and I'm behind again. I blame being sick. I'm getting over a sinus infection (I think) and I haven't felt like doing anything but sleeping and watching mindless television, AKA my seasons of Seinfeld.
Saturday was a great running day for me. I went out early to Jefferson Barracks Park and did the big loop and small loop. I rarely run on the actual park loops there, because they're usually too full of people. People seem to have a tendency to walk in a horizontal line there, as in, they take up the whole width of the trail. That irks me. Groups of women with strollers there are the worst. So, I tend to run the sidewalk perimeter instead. Saturday there were barely any people there, probably because I was there at about 8:15 a.m. and it was cold. This run was a good example of how the hill training has been helping. There is one particular hill in the big loop that is a long hill that keeps getting steeper and usually it kills me. There are several other smaller hills as well. I ran the whole thing with no walks and didn't feel horribly worn out from the hills, so I know the practice is paying off.
Saturday was also my planned cookie making party with my neice, nephew, and my friend Christina's two kids. My niece also brought a friend. It was a great time and many yummy cookies were made.
My friend Joe texted me in the afternoon wanting to know if I wanted to run that evening. I rarely do two runs in a day. I had been considering it, though, because we were supposed to be getting up to 10 inches of snow starting Saturday evening. So, I agreed. I went out for the second time that day. This time, I took Joe through one of my most run neighborhood routes, which also incorporates several large hills. I almost NEVER run these solid. Once again, and this time on legs that had already run once that day, I did a solid run and didn't feel worn out. I am very pleased with the progress being made.
It's a good thing I got those runs in. We ended up with close to 12 inches of snow, and starting late that night, I entered into a horrible sinus infection.

JB Distance:  3.47 mi,  Average Pace: 10:15/mi

Neighborhood Distance:  4.75 mi,  Average Pace: 10:12/mi


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