Something I Could Get Used To...

Yesterday, I did something that I don't think I've EVER done since I started running. I got up and out the door for a run before 7 a.m. You might ask, WHY? Was it for a race? No. Am I crazy? No.
Yesterday I had an interview for a promotion at work. Interviews stress me out more than possibly any other thing in this world. I knew I was going to have to do SOMETHING to relieve some tension yesterday. I had to go in to work, do the interview, then finish my day at work. That meant no time in there to really do any tension relief.
I set my alarm for 6:30 a.m. yesterday, but I woke up even earlier. I knew I wasn't going to go back to sleep. Oh, I laid in bed for a while longer but it wasn't happening. So, I figured since I didn't have to be at work until 9, why not go ahead and get up and get a run in? There would be less traffic, it would help clear my head, and ultimately, it would be a good way to start my day.
I am really glad I decided to do this. It was unseasonably warm in the morning yesterday, being about 45 degrees when I was out. There was a little more traffic than I figured there would be for 7 in the morning, but I guess a lot of people must work early. The run was good, though, and I felt my head clearing nicely.
It's a good thing I did this, as my interview began over an hour before it was supposed to, and I was unable to do the other things I had planned to do pre-interview to prepare.

Distance: 3.78 miles

Average Pace: 10:16 min/mi


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