Solo Snow Run

 So, those 10-12 inches of snow haven't diminished much. Last night, we got a little more snow. I didn't think it would be noticeable, but it was enough to coat the roads again and make it necessary for me to shovel my stairs outside. I went out this morning for a snow run.
Let me tell you, this morning was a tough run, but it was also one of the most peaceful runs I've had in a really long time. I headed out to Old Faithful, JB Park. They don't do anything with the trails when it snows, but I'd been out after a snow before, and usually enough people have been on the trails that it's a little packed down. Of course, this amount of snow would take a lot more traffic to get packed down.
There were definitely some footpaths made, but they were not continuous and in some areas pretty sparse. So, all I did was the large loop and it took some serious effort. Many areas still had over 8 inches of snow to step into, which made running slower, and more like goose stepping. Going up the hills was more of a challenge as well. I did slow to a walk a few times, and honestly, it may have been more difficult to walk in this stuff than to run, simply because at least when you're running, you have some momentum built up to push out of the snow with each step. It seemed more tough walking. Maybe it was just me, though.
It was peaceful, especially, because I was literally THE ONLY PERSON THERE! I don't think that's ever happened. I saw a few deer that merely glanced at me as I crunched by.

Distance:  2.62 mi

Average Pace:  14:37/mile


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