Revival run

Friday, for the first time in close to six months, I ran with my friend Jeff. Jeff's been out on an injury even longer than I was, and just started trying to run again this month. Jeff's injury was a weird one, because there was no specific incident that happened to him. He started having pain in his feet when he ran, which gradually began happening just from being on his feet. He went to the doctor, and they couldn't really find anything wrong. But he also didn't get orders not to run. He'd already stopped running on his own free will, but after the doctor's visit, he started doing a little walking and more recently a little running. This time last year, Jeff was my best running buddy. We'd run at least one day together every week, as our days off are the same. He was good motivation to get out and run on those cold mornings. I've missed having him as a running buddy, so I am looking forward to when he gets back to 100%. He wanted to go to JB, so we headed out there. He mentioned the pace would be slower and he would need extra time to warm up and stretch. This was fine with me; I have been there and totally understand. The run was nice; we always chat a lot when we run, and it's nice to have someone to talk to and vent to. It's kind of a verbal version of my solo runs, as usually those types of things are running through my head anyway when I run. That's when I try to get them cleared out. We did two big loops around the park, with a couple walk breaks and one actual stretch break interspersed. It was still snowy in large spots but completely melted in others. It was a good afternoon run and hopefully we'll get into the habit of running more consistently again.

Distance:  3.52 miles

Average Pace: 10:53 min/mi


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