Holy hell, the hills!!

Originally, I was going to get up early Sunday morning and drive all the way out to Weldon Springs to join the trail running club for the Lewis & Clark Trail run. I've never been out there before, so it sounded like a good idea. However, the more I thought about it, the idea of driving out there became less appealing. I posted on the website to see if anyone wanted to carpool but I got no response. Saturday evening, I diligently set my alarm for 6:30 the next morning. However, when that time rolled around, I did not have the desire to drive all the way out there. I still wanted to run, just not somewhere that involved a 40+ minute drive to get there.
So, I slept in a little more and decided to head out to Castlewood instead. I could still do trails and continue with my hill work. With good traffic, it only takes about 25 minutes to get there. There was an StL Runner group meeting out there to preview the Castlewood Cup course, but I didn't think I would get out there in time to join them. Plus, that course is about 10 miles and I definitely wasn't up for that.
I decided to start out with the Lone Wolf trail, which starts with an immediate intense uphill climb. I think I made it about 1/2-2/3 of the way up before I needed to walk. My legs were burning as were my lungs. These hills are no joke. Luckily, once you get up the big hill on that one, it's easy for a while, although there is a second smaller hill to contend with. One major downside was that there was STILL ice on a large section of the trail, forcing me once again to carefully pick my way around, and making running impossible in that section. From the Lone Wolf, I continued on to the Grotpeter trail, which includes what I now know is called "Heartbreak Hill". Sadly, I didn't make it all the way up this one either, but my legs were getting an intense workout.
Upon finishing the second trail, I had done 4.76 miles. I was back at the car and stretched a little, and surprisingly, still felt energetic. I had no place to be, so I figured I would take advantage of the energy. I had actually brought water with me, which I rarely do for winter runs, so I hopped in the car to grab a quick drink. Yes, I managed to lock my key in the car in the process. I have AAA, luckily, but decided I'd go ahead and do the rest of my run, then call them.
I did another 1.71 mile run, this time just running along the road in the park and just beyond, so it was nice and flat. I alternated a little from the actual asphalt to the grassy area beside it. Once I got back I went ahead and  called AAA.
I got lucky and there was a guy right nearby, so he made it in less than 10 minutes. I felt a bit bad, cause he pulled into the lot and ended up blocking in a lady trying to leave. She was quite cordial, though, and stopped to let me know the same thing had happened to her there more than once. Runners really are a communal bunch.
All in all, this was a great day for running, and worth the drive to Castlewood.

First run distance:  4.76 miles

Average Pace:  12:56 min/mi

Second run distance:  1.71 miles

Average Pace:  10:14 min/mi


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