Beautiful day for a run

I was supposed to meet the train running group this morning at Creve Coeur Lake. It would be an 8am run, as they all are, and CCL isn't nearly as far for me drive to as Lewis & Clark was going to be last week. However, something has been up with my sleep cycle lately. I'm not sure what it is, but I've been in this pattern where I wake up at some point during the night and I am wide awake. It will take me anywhere from 30 minutes to up to 2 hours to get back to sleep. This wrecks my sleep for the night, as it's like starting all over once I do get back to sleep. So, I chose to allow my body some extra z's this morning and not set an alarm. I know of some runners who sometimes experience this issue, and they will use that awake time to get up and run in the middle of the night. I have debated trying this; maybe the next time I am wide awake like that I will.
Anywho, my rest was better last night, though still not ideal, and I woke up around 9:30 and got dressed for a run. Today is another one of our random days we're having lately, where it's getting up to over 50 degrees for the high, followed by frigid weather directly after. When I left the house, it was 45 degrees out, with a wind chill factor of 5 degrees. Still plenty warm and gorgeously sunny out. I got to wear capris instead of tights to run.
This morning's run was a neighborhood route, where I head up my street and down Lemay Ferry and pick up the end of the River des Peres greenway trail. I take that up to Morganford and then go all the way down to Bayless and back to my street. My body wasn't cooperating with my mind this morning, and I took a few walk breaks of a minute or so. I know walking now and then isn't really a bad thing, but I still feel guilty about it on the days when my mind is all geared up to run long and hard. I have to remind myself that I'm technically still building up strength and endurance after my injury and this is more than acceptable.
It was still a great run, with absolutely beautiful weather to be outside. I worked up a good sweat, which as I've said before, isn't the same on a really cold day as it is on a warmer one. Occasionally on these runs, I encounter the extremely courteous driver who patiently waits for me to cross a street before they turn, and I am extremely grateful that those still exist.

Distance: 4.4 miles

Average Pace:  10:41 min/mi


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