Running for MLK

One think I love about working for the library is the paid holidays. Yesterday was Martin Luther King, Jr day, so we were off and got paid. It just happened to be my weekend off, so that gave me a 3-day weekend.
I had made plans Sunday evening to run Monday morning with my friend Joe. I couldn't do too long of a run, for two reasons:
1) I was actually a little sore from the previous day's Castlewood excursion.
2)I had to be at my sister's around 11, because we were taking my niece and nephew to see the bug exhibit at the Science Center.
So, Joe and I decided to do an out and back of about 4 miles down Broadway. Broadway is just at the bottom of the hill on my street, and has nice wide sidewalks for running. There are very rarely any pedestrians, so it's a convenient path. It's also easy to change it up if desired on the way back and cut uphill to a different street on the return, which is what we did, taking Pennsylvania as far back as the street allowed.
The run was good, though I overdressed a bit for the temperature. It didn't bother me much, though, cause sometimes in the winter it just doesn't feel like I'm working up a good sweat when I run like I do in the summertime.
This area we ran is basically the farthest south part of south city. Broadway has several shops along it, most of which I've never been too, despite how close I live to them. There are also quite a few bars, several churches, and quite a few industrial buildings, due to the fact that Broadway runs along the river.
Taking Pennsylvania back gave us a nicer view, since the street is residential. There are many different styles of houses on this street, ranging from the typical single-story brick shotgun style, to the two-story sided style (which is what my house is) to a few random bungalows and stucco looking places. My street has a similar variety, though the ones like mine definitely dominate my street.
Anyway, I digress. The run was good, despite being a bit sore from the hills at Castlewood.

Distance:  4.1 miles

Average pace:  10:10 min/mi


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