
I've been running for a little over two years now, and this blog is long overdue. I think keeping a good documentation of my running will be beneficial to me and might give others some valuable information and insight as well.
My running started as a result of a breakup, ultimately. I was just starting to get into when the guy I was dating broke up with me, and I was not handling it well. I put all my energy into running and got over the initial challenge of it. It took off from there. So, I guess I really should thank the guy for helping me out!
For me, running has done several things. The most noticeable thing visually was that it got me into shape. I lost almost 15 lbs and gained muscle tone. The most important thing to me that it has done is provided me with an outlet for stress. Nothing feels better to me than going for a good run when I am having lack of mental clarity.
In general I prefer to run alone, but I do run with others from time to time, and the companionship is nice. I have definitely noticed that the running community is a close-knit one, and I appreciate that.

A bit more about me:
I live in St. Louis.
When I'm not running, I'm a librarian. Well, I guess I'm a librarian when I'm running too, but you get my point. Not only that, I'm a librarian with cats. Cliche, eh? My cats are Nimbus (3 year old gray) and Talula (2 year old tuxedo).
I have a big yard and I dabble in backyard raised bed gardening, and general beautifying of my yard. I am lucky enough to have a very generous friend who helps a lot with this, bringing loads of compost to my place and randomly giving me free plants that he has extras of.


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