Cliff Cave Park

I went with my friend Joe today to run in Cliff Cave Park. The winter months are when I tend to like to run with someone more. Having that other person is more motivation to run in the cold. I used to absolutely HATE the cold before I began running. I wouldn't say I necessarily like it now, but I have developed a much better tolerance for it. Once you get going, it's not so bad. Once you stop moving again is when it REALLY feels cold, as the sweat cools off.
The temperature when we headed out this morning was about 34, but with the wind, around 25. Thank goodness for running tights*. I don't know what I would do without mine.
Joe picked me up in his FIRE TRUCK he owns, which is a tad difficult for someone that's only 5'2" to climb up into. It was an awesome ride though. Very bouncy. I can't believe I know someone with a fire truck. Well, my brother actually is a firefighter, but that doesn't count.
Anyway, we got to the park and decided to run the river trail, which is mostly flat. There are cliff trails, but it's pretty muddy out after snow melt and rain, and quite honestly, I don't know if I can handle cliff trails just yet. So, we hit the river trail. I had to stop and walk twice after the halfway mark, due to a side stitch. That is one thing I have noticed getting back into running: I get side stitches often. I got them a lot when I very first started running, and I am assuming it's due to not breathing properly. I guess it makes sense that I would have them again. I'm sure I lost my breathing rhythm during that 2 month hiatus.
It was a good run, though, totaling 4.3 miles with an average pace of 10 min/mile. My pace has almost gone back to before, which surprises me a little. My average pace pre-injury was around 9:40 or so.

*When you pick up a new activity or hobby, there are always accessories or gadgets to go along with it. A whole part of my wardrobe is now running gear, which I really didn't even know existed until I got into it. Of course, it just becomes another thing you have to buy. I love bringing home a new pair of running shorts or a cute running hat. My most recent purchase was my new Asics trail running shoes, which I love (I highly recommend you get some; great for snow running), but before that it was a winter headband to cover the ears that also includes a ponytail slot. Love it.

Distance: 4.31 miles  Average pace: 10:02/mile


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