
I'm a couple days behind, so today will be a double post.
After my trail run the other day, I was a bit sore the next day, so I decided to stick with an easy run. Plus my family was going to be over that evening for a post-Christmas get-together, so I was limited on time. I headed over to Jefferson Barracks, my favorite local park, and did a loop around the perimeter, about 2.5 miles. I could definitely feel it in my legs. I also felt it in my lungs. That's one thing I hate about getting back into running after those two months off. My breathing still has to adjust. I was doing 6-7 miles runs regularly before the injury, plus longer ones on Sundays. Ugh. It's almost like starting from scratch except the desire is much stronger.
Jefferson Barracks was a nice run, as always though. I stuck to as much of the cross country path as I could. JB has a disc golf course, and I swear, no matter what day or time, there are people playing. This particular day there was a group of guys and as I ran past them, I swear I almost got a contact high. I guess if you're gonna smoke pot, why not do it out in the open at the park, right?
I'm also excited to run there and observe the progress on the new rec center site! Soon, I can run to the park, go swimming, and then walk home! Woohoo!

Distance: 2.57 miles  Average pace: 10:17/mile

Friday was a rest day, and today I went for a quick morning run before my best friend came into town for the day. It was the earliest I've gotten out to run lately, starting at 8:30. That's another thing I've had to get my body used to again: running early. It is so much better to do that in the winter, when it gets dark so early in the evening. I try to avoid night running if possible, although I do enjoy it when the weather's nice. I did a quick 3-ish miles around the neighborhood today, taking a route that gave me a few good hills. I'm proud to say I didn't have to slow to a walk at all today, which is an accomplishment regarding hills. I think my run in Castlewood the other day was good for me and I would like to try to do that fairly regularly.
I also ran a total of 5 days this week, which hasn't happened in quite some time. That is an achievement!!

Distance: 3.22 miles  Average pace: 10:01/mile


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