A milestone, be it a small one...

I ran with my friend Joe again today. We decided to try the full loop in Forest Park, which I haven't done post-injury. It's around 5.6 miles and has a good amount of hills incorporated into it. I was a little nervous, as it's farther than I've attempted to run. My hope was to run the entire circuit with no walking. It was cold this morning and decently windy. It seems every time I run on a windy day, no matter which direction I run in, I'm running into the wind. It's like the wind shifts deliberately to force me to always run into it. The wind was playing nice today. We had it at our backs almost the entire run, which was preferable. The hills were tough, but I didn't feel super winded or tired during and after them. I really do partially attribute that to spending some time out at Castlewood earlier in the week. I wore my Balaclava today but once again, it still gave me some issues with my glasses fogging. I basically just alternated between keeping it over my mouth and pulling it down to my chin. Even pulled down, it really does help tremendously with keeping my cheeks and neck warm. Priceless. I made it ALMOST the whole circuit, but just over the 5 mile mark (5.08 to be exact), I had to walk a bit as I had a killer side stitch on my right side again that wouldn't quit. I had been running the last mile or so with it and tried to even out my breathing and put pressure on it a bit in the hopes that it would subside, but alas, it did not. So, we walked til about the 5.15 mark, then finished off running. Ended up being a 5.66 mile run and our average pace was 9:45, which is pretty good. I was pleased and I didn't feel wrecked at the end.
Joe mentioned that he used to go to Compton Water Tower and do stairs and that reminded me of that option. Last summer, my friend Jeff and I would go down to the riverfront and do stair repetitions at the Arch. I need to pick up with some of that too. 30 minutes on stairs is a spectacular workout.
We filled up on a really good breakfast at Southwest Diner after. Yum.

Distance: 5.66 miles  Average pace: 9:45/mile


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