
It's Christmas Eve day. Some people might have gone out this morning to run in order to counter all those calories they would be consuming later in the day. Not me. I don't have any holiday eating to do until the day after Christmas. I still went for a run though. It was 10 degrees when I left my house. It was the perfect morning to try out my new Saucony Balaclava.
In case you don't know what a Balaclava is, it's very similar to a ski mask, with a cutout for the eye area and that's it. It's supposed to be awesome for cold weather running. I've never bought one before because I wear glasses, and whenever I've run with something covering my nose and mouth, my breath just ends up going up my face and fogging up my glasses. The Balaclava I found is a tighter fitting spandex-y material and it has a mouth vent.
I chose a neighborhood run this morning, taking Broadway, making a lap around Jefferson Barracks park, then circling back. This route was 5.5 miles and involved a good deal of hills. I am definitely needing some work at conquering hills again. Two months off killed my hill climbing glute muscles. Gotta fix that. I have noticed that my butt's been looking a bit fleshier. Not necessarily a bad thing, though, if you know what I mean!
The Balaclava worked out pretty well, overall. I did end up leaving my nose uncovered because if I left it covered, my glasses still fogged up a bit. It was really great for keeping my head and ears warm, and my neck was nicely covered too. I think I will be pleased with this purchase.
As I was nearing the end of my run this morning, a random loose dog appeared and decided it was fun to run with me. To the dog, however, running with me meant jumping up and down in front of me trying to paw at me. I was worried it was going to run out into the street and get hit. Of course, I'm sure people driving by just thought I was some idiot running with my dog without a leash. A truck pulled up to the side of the road, though, and then the dog stopped following me. I assume those must have been the owners, chasing down their escapee.
There's never a dull moment running. Seriously.

Distance: 5.5 miles   Average pace: 10:12/mile


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