Getting you up to speed

I guess we will call this my first actual post. I figure it should be noted where I am in my running at this time.
I was signed up to run the RocknRoll Marathon here in St. Louis on October 27th of this year. I was about halfway through my training, having completed a 12 mile run. The next morning I woke up and when I stepped out of bed, I could not put all my weight on my right foot.  After a couple days, it felt better, so I tried a short 3 mile run. During the run, it started hurting. A lot. Persistent person that I am, I tried to run a few days later, again getting the same pain during the run.
I spent many hours looking up this pain on the Internet, and texting my running friends. I relaced my shoes, thinking the laces had been too tight. I wrapped my foot in sports bandages. I even went ahead and bought new running shoes, even though the ones I had were not worn out enough to need new ones yet.
Finally, I gave in and went to my doctor. Her preliminary diagnosis was that I had a stress fracture. She immediately ordered x-rays and very sternly told me I was absolutely not to run any more until we knew what was wrong. I got the x-rays and they showed a possible early stress fracture, and suggested an MRI to know for sure. I got the MRI. Same thing.
No running for me for 4-6 weeks. Only non weight bearing activities. I was devastated. I could no longer do my marathon. How was I going to get relief from stress without my running? Not being able to run was a new cause of stress for me.
I made my bicycle a part of my routine and slowly started going on walks, making them gradually longer. I ended up being able to walk the half marathon instead of running the full.
At the beginning of November, a full 8 weeks away from running to be on the safe side, I started back into running, loosely following a schedule I found for runners returning from an injury. This involved starting out with a combination of walking and running, slowly increasing the running until there is no more walking.
It has been great to be back. Currently I am at an average of 4 miles, sometimes with a little walking still, other times without.
It is amazing how much your body relies on that consistent running. I can see that two months sitting on my body now. Where there used to be tone, there now sits fat. And I don't like it.
I am ready to get back into my routine and kill that fat.


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