Firetruck run

The weather since my last run has kind of sucked. Thursday would have been a good morning to get up and run, but I wasn't quite able to drag myself out of bed. Friday I hung out with my sister and nephews, so that was a bust. It was my intent to go out yesterday and run with Joe, but it rained ALL DAY, followed by ice, then snow last night. I was bummed yesterday about having to take 3 days in a row off, which rarely happens, so I got my trusty yoga DVD out, "Yoga for Runners". I burned this DVD from the library sometime during my first year of running. I was having some soreness issues, especially in the mornings, and my friend Amber suggested I start doing some yoga. I hadn't done it in quite some time, and it was obvious. All the moves felt almost like I was doing them for the first time. It felt good to do them, though, and I'd like to get back in the habit of doing yoga on the days I don't run. I don't have those soreness issues too often since cutting gluten out of my diet, but the yoga will still be beneficial. After I finished the yoga, I still felt like I needed some cardio, so I broke out my speed rope. I hadn't used it in quite some time either. I have just enough space in my kitchen to use it indoors. Helps to have high ceilings. The speed rope is a serious workout. I remember jumping rope as a kid, and it seems like I did it for hours on end. Now I can do about 10 minutes and I feel like I'm going to die. I'd like to work out to longer, but I think it will take some work. I was doing reps of 100, alternating between each leg, jumping with both, and double jumping. Since I was doing it indoors, I also get hot very fast.
Anyway, back to running. Since we didn't get to run yesterday, Joe and I made plans to run today. Originally, we were going to join the trail running group out at Chubb Trail, but due to the weather, they cancelled the run. So, Joe came over in his firetruck and we headed to JB. I managed to slip and falling going down my stupid ghetto, makeshift wooden stairs when we were leaving the house, but luckily I caught myself and didn't fall all the way down. My phone managed to fall underneath the stairs, and we couldn't get it out immediately, so that had to be left until we got back. The trail at JB was not cleared, as usual, but it had enough snow on it that it was not treacherous to run on. There were 5 or 6 other runners out there, which was more than I've seen any of the times I've been out there so far this winter. We did 2 loops, which, as it turns out, is not as far as going around the perimeter 2 times. I had to walk once, at the upper part of the big hill the 2nd time around, but it was a nice brisk run. On the way back, I drove the firetruck!! It felt very weird and I was glad no one was at any of the intersections I had to turn into, but it was a fun and unique experience.

Distance:  4.75 miles

Average Pace:  10:28 min/mi


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