Bad blogger

I am seriously slacking at this blog. Many of my previous posts have been catching up on more than one run, and this one is the worst yet. I've had 6 runs since the one I last blogged about. I'm a terrible blogger. But I have much to tell!
The weather lately has still been unpleasant, overall. Snow has been sticking around, temperatures have been cold, and it's not been very conducive to running. However, the past couple of days, as well as the next few, temps have been around 50 degrees, give or take. This is much more appealing for running. This morning when I woke up, it was already 40 something out. I could not pass up that weather. I went out and had one of those mornings where it felt like I could run for hours. In reality, I ran for a little over an hour continuously, which is officially the longest I have run solid since my injury back in the fall. It felt awesome, and was a great start to my day. I took a route I haven't done in a bit, which was to go out my door and head down Broadway into JB Park. I took the perimeter path at JB all the way around, then came back up Broadway, cut over River City Casino Blvd, and up Lemay Ferry to my house. This route is a good one, as it doesn't require crossing any major streets.
Prior to today, I hadn't run since Saturday. Here's why. Saturday, I picked up my friend Joe and we went to Forest Park. The snow had begun the melting process, but it had frozen pretty good the night before. Right away, we saw that the path had lots of icy patches and we had to leave the path and run in the snow along the side quite a bit. We were clipping along pretty well, and had just climbed the hill by the Planetarium. Joe was asking me if I knew about the part of the bike path that veered off and headed down to the Science Center. I looked over to see what he was referring to and the next thing I knew, my feet weren't under me anymore and I was coming down on the back of my head. I felt a searing pain and my vision went black for a minute. I sat up and looked at Joe, who was also on the ground, but somehow on his stomach. Somehow, I didn't cry but the pain was intense. I figured we might as well keep running and finish out the path, but as soon as I started, the pain became way more prominent. We cut back to a walk and decided to head over to the skating rink and see if they had a medic so I could get checked out. I could feel a giant knot on my head and it was just throbbing.
We went inside and the girl gave me a bag of ice for my head. They had a medic, but he wouldn't look at me since the injury didn't happen at the rink. So, we asked them to call 911 and have an ambulance sent. They asked me some questions and basically told me I could go with them to the hospital and get a cat scan if I wanted. I didn't as it would be expensive, so they told me what to watch for in case of a concussion, which was: nausea, headache, dizziness, feeling drunk, falling asleep for no reason. I wasn't supposed to be along that night or drive.
Joe drove us back to his place and I felt okay to drive from there to my house (we only live 3 miles away from each other). I already had plans to go to my friend Lisa's that night, so her husband came and picked me up and I stayed the night there.
It's 4 days later now, and there is still a small knot on my head that is tender to the touch. But I haven't had any headaches or any of the other symptoms, so I think I'll be alright. It has been a really long time since I've hit my head like that or felt that kind of pain. And that's the first and only time I've ever fallen while running. Hopefully it was the last!
There were some other runs in there, but nothing of note so I won't detail them. I will post distances for all below though.

2/7 Distance: 4.87miles

Average Pace: 11:28 min/mi

2/9 Distance: 3.3 miles

Average Pace: 10:57 min/mi

2/11 Distance:5.85 miles

Average Pace: 9:47 min/mi

2/13 Distance: 5.01 miles

Average Pace: 10:19 min/mi

2/15 Distance: 4.49 miles

Average Pace: 13:21 min/mi

2/19 Distance: 6.62 miles

Average Pace: 9:57 min/mi


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