Cold Carondelet night

This weather is killing me. We get a bunch of snow, then it melts, then we have some random weird warm days, then below zero. I don't mind the cold. I used to hate it but now, eh. I don't like this back and forth shit though. I would rather it just stays one way or the other. And the snow definitely makes being consistent with running more difficult.
So this week, once again, snow was in the forecast. This meant I wanted to try to get a run in before it was too messy. I didn't really want to do a night run, but it's pretty difficult to avoid in the winter like this. My friend Joe had volleyball Monday night, so we planned to meet at the Y after his game, putting the run at about 8:15. It was very cold, and the dark made it feel even colder. We headed out from the Y into Carondelet park and did a couple laps around the park. I had woken up Monday morning feeling the results of the fall on my stairs the day before, and I was a little skeptical about running that evening, but the pain had subsided by the time 8:15 rolled around.
I'd run in Carondelet before, but never at night. It was surprisingly well-lit, so I will definitely keep it in mind for future night runs. It just kind of sucks cause a loop is not very long, about 1 2/3 miles, I think. I hate repetitive loops!

Distance: 3.75 miles

Average Pace: 10:20 min/mi


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