2 birds, one stone

Wednesdays and Thursdays are my late days at work. I don't go in until 12. So, especially in the winter months when it gets dark early, I like to try to get out and run in the morning on these days. This past Wednesday, I had a 9 a.m. appt to take my car in to the dealership. There were two different issues with the rear windows, one having a trim issue and the other a tint issue. Plus, there's something apparently happening with one of my hub bearings in the front. I generally opt to wait for my car at the dealership, as I don't typically have someone who can drop me off there and take me back later. This time, I figured, since I wouldn't be back home in time to run before work, why not just run while I'm waiting for the car? So I did exactly that. I wore my running gear to the dealership, dropped off the car, and headed down Lindbergh for a run. This section of Lindbergh doesn't have sidewalk, so I wanted to get to a place that did for the run. It's right down from Mueller, which intersects Green Park Rd, and I figured that would be my best bet. I started at Mueller and took it down, and at the point where it intersected GP Rd, there was Clydesdale Park. I had forgotten it was there. This park connects with Grant's Trail. I remembered seeing the connector when biking on Grant's Trail. So I figured I'd run to the trail and depending on the distance, maybe do a little of the trail itself. There were several little places the trail led within Clydesdale Park, though, and I wasn't sure which one led to Grant's. It turns out the one I chose did not. Instead, it exited the park and went along GP Rd, ultimately ending where that came to a T at GP Industrial Rd. This route was basically one hill after another, the first one being pretty steep. I may not have run where I originally planned, but I got a better workout than I might have. The morning was also very cold, as it has been in general lately. This winter has been worse than the past few years. I've realized the cold doesn't bother me too much. I have plenty of good winter running gear, so I've learned what works in the cold. If it's windy, that makes it harder, though, and depending on what precipitation we've gotten, that plays a part. Obviously, if you've read some of my other posts, I don't mind running in the snow. If there's ice, though, it can be pretty dangerous, even in trail shoes. I've done pretty good in general about staying active this winter thus far.

Distance: 5 miles

Average Pace:  10:47 min/mi


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