Warm weather, please show your face.

I'm behind again. Are you surprised? So I've been dating this guy, and he's been doing side jobs with a moving company. He's working weird hours. Wednesday, he worked til 3:30 a.m. and texted me to let me know he was done. I am a light sleeper and I don't silence my phone at night, so the text woke me up. Unfortunately, I couldn't go back to sleep. I tried. I laid there for over an hour, trying to will myself to go to sleep. It wasn't happening. I told myself the last time I woke up during the night that, if after an hour I couldn't go back to sleep, I would get up and run instead of just laying there. So, I did. At a little before 5 a.m., I got up and dressed and headed out for a run. The weather was chilly and I didn't want to risk messing up my throat again, so I threw on the Balaclava. Good choice.
Running at this time of the morning is different. Traffic is minimal, which is nice. I passed a good number of people waiting at bus stops. Very early to be catching a bus. It was a good run though, peaceful and more fulfilling than normal doing it so early in the day. It was also my most run neighborhood route, which involves several hills. I did it all the way through with no walk breaks, even for the hills. This indicates good progress, which makes me happy. I want to get back where I was pre-injury when it comes to hills. When I got home, I took a nice hot shower and then, of course, felt sleepy, so I laid back down and took about a 2 hour nap before getting up and ready for work.
The next day, I knew I needed to get out and run, as more bad weather was being predicted for the weekend: Ice, sleet and snow. After sustaining that awesome head injury a few weeks ago (which is still tender to the touch) I do not plan on risking any more falls on icy paths.
So, I headed out after work and did the same neighborhood route again. Once more, I tackled the whole route with no walks. Not only is that part good, but I didn't feel exceptionally out of breath on the hills either. This pleases me greatly.
Once the weather starts looking better, I will go out to Castlewood again and get more hill/trail practice.
I am beyond tired of bad weather and would really like for spring to get here.

Pre-dawn run
Distance:  5.02 miles
Average Pace:  10:21 min/mi

Pre-storm run
Distance:  5.03 miles
Average Pace:  10:30 min/mi


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