Strep throat throws a wrench in my running routine

So last week, there was a break in the cold weather. Friday and Saturday had predicted highs in the low 60s. I was excited! A few nice days in a row of good running weather, to follow my last long run in the morning with great weather! I made plans to meet my friend Joe at Forest Park around 11:45 a.m. to do the circuit. Friday morning, I woke up and my throat was on fire. I could barely swallow. Dammit! I looked at it in the mirror and it had the tell-tale white back there that is typically an indication of strep. Seriously?? I haven't been around anyone (knowingly, anyway) with strep. I called my Dr. and luckily, they were able to get me in early that afternoon. I figured while I was there, I would let her check out my head, just to make sure nothing more serious was going on with the bump, as it was still tender back there. Until then, I had to cancel my run with Joe and spent the morning laying on the couch watching the final season of Dexter, which coincidentally, had arrived in the mail the day before.
I tested negative for strep, but she recommended I stay home for a few days and rest and drink lots of fluids. She gave me a note to go back to work the following Tuesday. I have lots of sick time, so this was fine with me.
By the next morning, I felt much better, and I contemplated running, but decided not to push my luck. So, instead I dressed for the gorgeous weather and headed to Jefferson Barracks for a walk. The place was packed and as I was getting back to my car, I got to enjoy listening to a large group of Bosnian men of various ages setting up their soccer game. St. Louis in general has a large Bosnian population, and the area I live in has seen a growth since I moved there. In the spring and summer, there are usually Bosnian men and boys playing soccer at JB every weekend.
On Sunday, the nice weather was gone, but I felt almost 100% better, so I decided to do the Forest Park circuit. I had been wanting to go there ever since my fall, so I could run over the same part of the path where I'd taken my spill and show it who was boss. It was very chilly out and I felt it in my joints more than I would have normally, assumably due to the fact that I'd been sick.
I paid for that run. Monday morning, I woke up with my throat almost back to where it had been. I was glad I didn't have to be at work that day. Another day spent on the couch, finishing up Dexter. Such a crazy final season!!

JB Walk
Distance:  2.67 miles

Sunday Run
Distance:  6 miles
Average Pace:  9:57 min/mi


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