2 months later...EEP!

Oh geez, has it really been 2 months since I posted? Obviously I am proving I'm not cut out for this blogging thing. I will not even attempt to catch up on the runs I've done in the past 2 months. However, I will state that my total mileage for the month of April exceeded 80 miles, which is more like my pre-injury days, so I was pretty pleased with that, and I would like to keep that up in the months ahead. Of course, once my half marathon training begins, that should be pretty easy. I will say that in general, I've been trying to keep my runs around 6 miles, which has been pretty good. That also is more like my pre-injury days. Of course, it's not even hot yet, so that will definitely be a factor soon.
Last night, I did a 6.73 mile run pretty late in the evening. It was a route I've done before, which consists of this: I start up my street and then head down Lemay Ferry. I grab the River des Peres Greenway Trail and then cross over Germania under the I-55 overpass. From there I go up a little street called Eugene which is basically a long hill. This connects me with Carondelet Park and I follow that around to Holly Hills. I head down Holly Hills and pick up the Christy Greenway Trail, taking that across Loughborough and Hampton and finally across River des Peres. This connects me again with the RDP Greenway. I take that to Morganford and climb that back up to Bayless, then head down to Lemay Ferry and finally, back down my street. I felt really good last night after this run.
I set my alarm this morning with the intent to go out to Shaw Nature Reserve and do a hike, since I did a late run last night. However, once up, I didn't have the desire to drive all the way out there. I hadn't been to Castlewood in a while, so I decided to do that instead. I also decided to go ahead and run instead of hike, as I was feeling good this morning. I tackled Grotpeter Trail, still unable to do a solid run on the hills, but definitely didn't have to walk much of it. Then I did a portion of the River Trail. It was a good workout and I would like to try to go regularly (ha, this sounds familiar!). Now that there's no danger of ice on the trails, maybe I can make this happen.
Also, I want to mention this just cause it pissed me off. On the way back from Castlewood, I had an altercation-? with another vehicle. This little beige car was behind me for quite a ways and then as I was getting onto 44, they decided to be an asshole and attempt to not let me merge into traffic in front of them. They then passed me on the highway and flipped me off (guess what? it was a douche-y guy!) and then kept trying to block me if I wanted to change lanes. Seriously, what is wrong with men? Does it make their dick feel bigger to do shit like this????

Mileage:  4.56


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